30 novembro 2012

Love is...

(de onde é a imagem?
não sei de onde a tirei,
mas já a vi em tantos sítios
que lhe perdi o rasto...)

29 novembro 2012

Duas mulheres a conversar ao almoço

- Ai, que cheiro esquisito!
- Não sinto nada...
- Pois, acredito! Eu... É um problema... Eu não vejo, mas cheirar... O que Deus me tirou dos olhos pôs no nariz!

Sorte! Antes ramelas no nariz que macacos nos olhos.

27 novembro 2012

Haverá alguém que não se lembre da Menina Afegã?

Afghan Girl

By Cathy Newman
Photograph by Steve McCurry

She remembers the moment. The photographer took her picture. She remembers her anger. The man was a stranger. She had never been photographed before. Until they met again 17 years later, she had not been photographed since.
The photographer remembers the moment too. (...)

She became known around National Geographic as the “Afghan girl,” and for 17 years no one knew her name. (...)

Names have power, so let us speak of hers. Her name is Sharbat Gula, and she is Pashtun, that most warlike of Afghan tribes. (...)

Time and hardship have erased her youth. Her skin looks like leather. The geometry of her jaw has softened. The eyes still glare; that has not softened. “She’s had a hard life,” said McCurry. “So many here share her story.” Consider the numbers. Twenty-three years of war, 1.5 million killed, 3.5 million refugees: This is the story of Afghanistan in the past quarter century. (...)

It is the ongoing tragedy of Afghanistan. Invasion. Resistance. Invasion. Will it ever end? “Each change of government brings hope,” said Yusufzai. “Each time, the Afghan people have found themselves betrayed by their leaders and by outsiders professing to be their friends and saviors.” (...)

She cannot understand how her picture has touched so many. She does not know the power of those eyes.

Such knife-thin odds. That she would be alive. That she could be found. That she could endure such loss. Surely, in the face of such bitterness the spirit could atrophy. How, she was asked, had she survived?

The answer came wrapped in unshakable certitude.

“It was,” said Sharbat Gula, “the will of God.”

Publicado em Abril de 2002.
Há dez anos...

26 novembro 2012

Brilhantismo à escala pentatónica

Descaradamente surripiado do blog do Mak, o mau (aqui).

Em modo GPS

Boa tarde, estamos de volta à emissão.

Durante o intervalo - não devem ter reparado - estivemos a emitir o clássico "Mau tempo no canal".
Acabou mal.

Realmente há dias que não se esquecem. A frustração, a desilusão...

Vai daí, estamos a trabalhar para que passe esta intempérie, esta chuvada desgraçada, estas nuvens cinzentas (pretas, mesmo).
Porque, como digo, estamos em modo GPS.
A recalcular o percurso.